Isak Åslund

  • # Technical Design
  • # Gameplay Design
  • # Sound Design

Complexity vs. Simplicity

My goal was to keep the AI simple but effective, using clear patterns with slight unpredictability to make it feel more dynamic. Adapting to the player's mistakes while relying on perception to create tension. It tracks how often players step into the light, adjusting its patrols to increase pressure without feeling overly punishing.

AI Behavior

  • 🚶 Default behavior - Patrols the area.
  • 🔦 Player in light - Searches and sends flashes of light nearby.
  • ⚠️ Player caught - Game Over.
  • ⏳ Adaptive search - Tracks how often the player steps into light, tightening patrols over time.
  • ⚖️ Tension vs. mistakes - Punishes repeated mistakes but builds tension naturally.
  • 🔄 Integration with level - Some areas force light exposure, increasing tension.

Concept & Principles

  • 🧠 Player perception - AI doesn’t need to be smart—players will make it feel smarter than it is.
  • 👀 Readability - Clear, consistent rules with slight randomness to avoid feeling scripted.
  • 🎯 Deliberate simplicity - Prioritized a considered system over unnecessary complexity.