1 Day
Unreal Engine 5
💡 Highlights
- 🎥 Stay Behind System - Keeps the camera positioned properly behind the player.
- 🔄 Camera Rubber Banding - Smoothly corrects camera positioning without sudden shifts.
- 🎮 Controller Hijacking - Temporarily overrides player input for cinematic or scripted events.
- 🎛️ Manual Tick Enabling - Controls tick execution for specific, short-lived systems.
🔄 Summary
I built this small cinematic camera system in Unreal for an Advanced Visual Scripting course. After struggling with my initial version, I remade this version in a day. I mention this to highlight that starting over can be valuable; sometimes progress comes in different forms. Work is not lost, it carries over.
📌 Takeaways
- ⏳ Timers for repetition - Great for repeated actions, but not ideal for smooth results.
- 🎛️ Set Tick enabled - Useful to manually set tick for temporary or triggered systems.
- 🔄 Clean Slate - Experience still carries over from failed attempts.